Break out the birthday candles and get your party hat on as Script Ohio turns 71 years young today.
The first Script Ohio was performed back on October 10, 1936 with the Buckeyes hosting Pitt in the 'Shoe and has since become one of the finest traditions in all of college football. So much so, that "dotting the i" has become an honor of near biblical porportions if you reside in Buckeye Nation.

The honor is generally bestowed upon a sousaphone player however the band has also given the likes of Woody, Jack Nicklaus, Bob Hope and Gordon Gee a chance to punctuate the march.
For those not aware, the birth of Script Ohio has been the subject of much controversy over the years. The Michigan band was the first to actually perform in the the formation of a script 'Ohio' back in 1932 causing many a Wolverine to mistakenly assign UM full responsibility for a true Script Ohio.

Truth be told, the Michigan band never marched in formation spelling out Ohio in script - they simply all walked out to their designated spot in the spelling. I mean, isn't the true beauty of Script Ohio created by the band actually playing Les Regiment AND marching in unison to form the finished product? That's what makes it special.
So, I guess if the Michigan band ran out and stood in the shape of a computer that means they created the internet too, right? Worse than that, Michigan's version was a totally busted sight complete with horribly poor spacing and shape. Lay off the hooch, fellas.
Anyway, 11W salutes the real Script Ohio on it's 71st birthday. There've been some memorable ones. Our personal favorite saw the drum major lead Woody out for his chance to dot the i in what was a moving moment, to say the least.