The Dayton Daily News would like your attention, please: Gholston, Female Roommate Just Friends.
Evidently, the sack-artist lives with a former OSU student in a two-bedroom townhouse in Gahanna. The two met his freshman year in the dorms and insist there's nothing more than a friendship:
"When I tell everybody I live with a female, they start thinking different things," said Gholston, 21, a fourth-year junior from Detroit who is expected to turn pro after the season. "But a lot of the guys know her and know she's a good friend of mine."
The perks?
"It's a good living situation. I know my role, and she knows her role. I take out the trash, and she does the dishes."
"I love when she folds my clothes."
Don't we all, man. Don't we all. Oh, and if there's any doubt whatsoever as to whether Vern will be around next year, his roomie all but shot that down:
"He's about to go to the NFL. Females only see that and try to jump on the bandwagon, and I try to open his eyes to it."
(Via The Sports Diva)