As mentioned in the comments, there's big news on the Terrelle Pryor front. Allegedly, Buckeye coaches are pretty close to a Jeanette businessman, Ted Sarniak, that happens to be even closer to the recruit that's been busy driving multiple fan bases crazy for the past month. Pryor is said to have worked a summer at Sarniak's glass factory and the Corvette you see pictured is allegedly owned by Sarniak and loaned to Pryor for prom.
Leading the charge in trying to unravel something is MGoBlog, which is really a shame, because Brian has spent the better part of the past two weeks railing against the "jihad" WVU has launched against Rodriguez.In his first post, where he brought Sarniak to light, he couches his language a little, but can't resist implying something's afoot:
Sarniak has a business in Dublin, Ohio, that's doing quite well. OSU coaches and Sarniak had dinner before Pryor's trip to Michigan. None can be proven, and all seem like sour grapes from schools not likely to end up with Pryor on their team.
But... yeah, Maurice Clarett was driving around an SUV he didn't own and Troy Smith was suspended for taking money from a booster and Jim O'Brien bought a bunch of Yugoslavians or something. Ohio State fans are an enthusiastic bunch, aren't they?
Today he revisited the issue, bringing the insta-classic Corvette photograph to the surface along with this awesomeness regarding a Scout.com analyst saying the Vette was old news:
The idea that a fellow who's buddy-buddy with the OSU coaches is going to give Terrelle Pryor a Corvette... new news? Is this kid even eligible?
Is the panic and desperation in Wolverine fan finally starting to show? I mean if they don't get Pryor, they are f-u-u-u-u-cked.
Much like the internet, college athletics, specifically football, is serious business. Recruiting is the fuel that keeps the engine burning and courting someone close to Johnny McStud -- usually a parent or a coach -- but not restricted to those two groups, is par for the course.