Recently, I noticed that the invaluable Buckeye Game Watch website appears to no longer be with us. The site, which served to chronicle locations outside of Ohio to gather and watch football games, was linked to from day one of this blog. Living outside the motherland, myself, I quickly relied on it to find like minds to share religious Saturdays with.
I've been unable to get into contact with the site's proprietor (the email address I had for him was paired to the expired domain), but until we hear otherwise, we thought we could do our part to making sure this resource lives on in some form.
The map after the jump will live on this site here, also conveniently accessed from the Resources pod on the sidebar. If you know of a spot that should be listed, let us know via this form or by emailing one of us and we'll get it in there.
View Buckeye Friendly Places to Watch Games in a larger map