Reading through some of the comments from this weekend, you would think the Ohio State program was in a state of wreckage similar to our friends in South Bend or Ann Arbor. No matter that the team had just knocked off a nine win Iowa team getting stellar play out a young gunslinger and a hard-nosed defense, and disregard the fact that the win clinched Ohio State's first Rose Bowl trip in 13 seasons, evidently there are serious problems in Columbus.
And that kind of talk is ridiculous.
Yes, there are some things that drive us all nuts about Tresselball, but to be 9-2, ranked in the top 10 in every poll and headed to Pasadena with another Big Ten championship in the bag in a rebuilding year is nothing short of remarkable. Especially given the events of Purdue Harbor last month.
Appreciate it for what it is.
On a somewhat related note, we always prided ourselves on the open nature of the commenting around these parts. It sometimes gets noticed elsewhere and the no name or email required approach does encourage the 4chanization1 of the site at times, but open debate is healthy. Otherwise, you end up with this.
Saying that, the fan on fan rage has got to go. I hope I never have to read another thread where a guy is challenging another guy to a fight in the Rose Bowl parking lot. As a result, we're going to start banning people for consistent jackassery. It's okay to dissent or have unique perspectives, but kill the ad hominem junk and state your point like an adult, please.
- 1 We are addressing this in a way we think you will all enjoy. It will be our focus this offseason.