So, like many of you, I watched the user TedGinnIsFasterThanYou repeatedly violate the comment policy over the weekend, insulting other users, getting political and doing just about whatever possible to be a shitty member of this community.
You guys took care of business, downvoting comments that crossed the line and TedGinnIsFasterThanYou was teetering on the edge of bandom—and then a funny thing happened. From a Helmet Sticker balance of -42, the account started to accumulate upvotes. Nearly 50 upvotes in less than a half hour. But how could this be?
As it turns out, TedGinnIsFasterThanYou was one of 10 accounts created by a single user, with new email accounts tied to each one, and all traced to the same IP address in Pennsylvania. The accounts, showing their status earlier this evening:
User ID | Name | Created | Status |
3431 | Bucks43201 | 6/24/2011 | Banned |
12077 | 9Route | 4/5/2013 | Active |
12831 | AlphaMaleBettor | 7/4/2013 | Active |
14901 | NotCincyOSU | 12/1/2013 | Banned |
15790 | Jack_Q_Football | 1/19/2014 | Banned |
16311 | Johnny-Shane_Utah-Falco | 2/16/2014 | Banned |
17125 | B1G_Deal | 5/19/2014 | Banned |
17408 | MeyerMattaScarletHeroes | 6/18/2014 | Banned |
17652 | RickKaneWasHere | 7/8/2014 | Banned |
17725 | TedGinnIsFasterThanYou | 7/15/2014 | Active |
Seven of the 10 accounts have long since been banned for inappropriate behavior and/or falling below the commenting threshold. All three active accounts held by this individual have now been banned as well. I'm sorry to report: 9Route, like the cake, was a lie.