Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Great Win, but Front 7 is Still a Concern

+2 HS
TurdFurgison's picture
September 29, 2024 at 9:11am

Happy that we won the game. Came away with a lot of turnovers. However, the front 7 against the run is an area of concern in my opinion. I don't think this level of play is sustainable against better opponents. With the new clock rules, a good to great rushing team is going to present problems. 

Too many missed tackles and blown coverages by the linebackers. The linebackers are too slow to fill running lanes. On one running play, there were 5 blockers against 6 defenders, but the defense still surrendered about 6 yards. 

Also, not sure why we are asking Davison Igbinosun to play 10 yards off the line of scrimmage. His skill set is better suited for press coverage. Maybe Jermaine Matthews is better suited for that. 

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