As a kid riding in the car with my dad, we often listened to 700 WLW, which meant I was exposed to the legendary "Earl Pitts; Uhmerikan" and his weekly rant otherwise known as "You know what makes me sick?" In tribute to those days, and to relieve some angst of my own, I present to you a few sports nuggets from the previous week that left me thinking WTF?!
All the hype Bo Ryan's Badgers received this week for protecting their home court in a game they should have won against OSU was enough to trigger my gag reflex. Especially considering how poorly Wisky played in the final minute, giving OSU a chance to force overtime as time expired. They won at home, that's what you are supposed to do in the Big11Ten if you want to win the conference. Let's not wet ourselves over it.
Redshirt freshman and '07 QB hopeful Antonio Henton's comments in Sunday's Dispatch. I love players with confidence, but if you have yet to take a snap in college football then I would appreciate a little more humility:
"I think if I win the job and I have four years (to start), there's no doubt that I (will) be the next Heisman winner at Ohio State," he said. "That's right, no doubt."
Lastly, what the hell were Herbie, Fowler and company thinking when they all essentially agreed that Florida would beat OSU 9 out of 10 times? Look, I know we got donkey punched, but does anyone really think Florida is 27 points better than OSU or that we could only muster 1 win in 10 tries against them? WTF?!
So, what made you sick in the week that was?