Gene Vincent is one of the most underrated fathers of rock and roll. A pioneer of the rockabilly style, Vincent was overshadowed by Elvis Presley and had only one true hit song with "Be-Bop-A-Lula". Despite this, he was inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as well as the Rockabilly Hall of Fame (that's a real thing).
He was born Vincent Gene Craddock in 1935 in Norfolk, Virginia. He joined the Navy as a teenager but a motorcycle crash prevented him from making a career of it. He bounced around the local Norfolk music scene and his Elvis-like style got him noticed.
The comparisons to Elvis are easy but I've always considered Vincent to be like Elvis' older, badder big brother. There was never any real danger with Elvis but Vincent gives off a vibe that he might stab you in the eye at any time for any reason.
Unlike Elvis, Vincent wrote the majority of his own music and released his big hit in 1956. He soon appeared in the terrific rock and roll movie "The Girl Can't Help It" in the same year. He was touring the United States and England and was the first rocker to appear onstage in head to toe leather during a show in the UK. His impact wasn't limited to fashion as he was a major early influence on The Beatles.
As Rockabilly's popularity faded so did Vincent's career. He relocated to London and remained active touring and recording (at one point Ritchie Blackmore was part of his touring band in the early 60s), but never reached great heights again. He started to suffer from alcohol problems and returned to the US in the early 70s. He died from a ruptured stomach ulcer today in 1971 at the age of 36.