Hello there! I am a representative of Ohio State in a game of College Football Risk that is going on right now at Reddit's college football subreddit. The game was mentioned in a Skull Session back in May, and we're coming back for another push now because the game ends tonight and we need your help to defeat Michigan.
In order for us to have any chance at winning, we need your participation. The game's rules are here, but I'll summarize: Anyone who has a Reddit account and an Ohio State flair on r/cfb can vote to either defend Ohio State territories or attack bordering territories.
Here is the map as it stands today:

The winner of CFB Risk is determined by which team holds the most territories. Right now, Ohio State is in third place with 13 (Florida leads everyone with 24, Michigan is second with 22, and Nebraska is tied with us at 13).
Our overall strategy is simple: Attack every enemy territory you can. We're in an alliance with several teams, most notably Nebraska and Alabama, so please don't attack them. Any Michigan, Florida, Georgia Tech, or Clemson territory is fair game.
How you can play:
- If you don't have a Reddit account, register a username.
- Go to r/cfb and set your primary flair to Ohio State, which you can also do separately at https://flair.redditcfb.com. If you are new to Reddit, we encourage you to make a few useful r/cfb as well, as some new users are mistakenly flagged as bots for this game.
- Vote at https://vote.redditcfb.com/cfbrisk.php to attack any territory bordering Ohio State, preferably Michigan or Florida. The territories are named for their original owner; for instance "Attack Toledo" would target the territory Nebraska currently holds in NE Ohio. Once you vote, the logo of the original territory holder should appear (i.e. a rocket for Toledo) under "Today's Action".
There are also a number of territories users can defend, and if you do so we'd recommend Bowling Green, Miami, Akron, Ohio, or Marshall. Please do not choose to "Defend Ohio State". All that does is defend the Columbus territory; we have plenty of people assigned there and your vote is better spent elsewhere.
We also have a private subreddit for orders and discussing the game; if you'd like to join, please go to r/OSUcfbRisk and click "Message the Moderators" to be allowed entry. Please make sure to mention your 11W username in the message.
Let's make a push!