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First Foray into Sports Betting - Advice Welcome

+2 HS
USArmyBuckeye's picture
August 20, 2021 at 7:36pm

Let me preface this by saying I’ve never been a big gambler but I’m curious about sports betting, specifically on the good guys.

This is now legal (read as: uncomplicated to access) in Colorado and so I’ve decided to give myself $120 (I know, I know, what’s the point lol) to bet on the Buckeyes this season primarily just for my own entertainment.  I was thinking I’d start small and simple. $10 money line bet for week one, and then either continue $10 per game or roll gains from the previous week (if any) into the next week’s bet.  Assuming there is anything left by the end of the regular season I’d probably continue into the BIG championship and playoffs, assuming the team makes either/both and just bet “big” with whatever is left since I’m treating this money as long gone simply by virtue of being willing to bet it.

I’d be happy to hear any and all feedback other than things along the lines of “don’t gamble, it’ll ruin your life” etc. I’ve managed to control myself in Vegas numerous times and I’m not worried about developing an addiction, although it’s certainly always something to be cognizant of. 

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