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Does Anyone Know What It Costs to Do a "Shed Dormer" Across the Whole House?

+2 HS
westy81585's picture
September 17, 2021 at 11:52am

Wife and I are moving back to Columbus and looking at houses.  Goal is to buy a house we could live in for the next 30 years, so some of those are houses that will need major renovations over time.  

While looking at sold houses in the areas we're looking I found this house (pics 2, 3, and 4).  It was originally a farm house/ cape-cod, but someone came in and put shed dormers across the whole house in the front and the back (among many other upgrades).  This had the effect of doubling the square footage upstairs.  I would love to consider similar houses and do the renovation myself (to be clear - pay someone else to do it for me), but need to figure out around what this is gonna cost so we know how much to cap the initial house cost at.  

Pic one is a classic farm house/cape-cod with no updates for comparison.  Pics 3 and 4 show you the old outline of the house inside of the updated house.  


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