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Walking Across the Country: Week Deuce

+25 HS
IamJoeHall's picture
May 29, 2022 at 7:27am

Week two on the whole has been a huge 180 from week one. Figured out my blistering issues. Apparently my Hoka One One shoes had a toe box that rivaled Footbinding, and once I relieved that, it’s been smooth sailing. Thursday I was about to do my second 20+ mile day but as I was pushing the stroller up my 400th hill of the day my right leg got a gravel patch and slipped. Immediately felt pain in my labrum area (partially torn during my bike wreck) so I took a zero day Friday and rested it. Felt a lot better and crushed yesterdays 17 miles fairly easy. I am currently en route to Gettysburg, as it wasn’t far off my path and I’ve never been. Soon I’ll begin the trek through Appalachia and in 2-2.5 weeks I should hit Bridgeport, Ohio and work towards home and a day or two of rest and catching up.


Im still in awe by the kindness of people out on the road. Donating money, food, water, prayers, positive vibes and most importantly some conversation lol. 

Much Love You Guys!



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