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Slightly Strange Hybrid Foam Mattress Question

+4 HS
lljjgg's picture
February 6, 2024 at 9:05am

Hey folks, this is a bit of a weird question but I thought why not ask you guys, someone might know:

I bought my first hybrid foam mattress this past month, prior to that I'd always had pillow-top mattresses or traditional old-school spring mattresses. Here's the weird question: ever since I got this new hybrid foam (Sealy) mattress several weeks ago there's been a kind of chemical smell to it, the closest thing I can compare it to is like an iron smell, particularly after sleeping on it (i.e. when the mattress is compressed over night). I called the store and they vasolated between acting like I'm nuts and this is not something that ever happens, to telling me they will give me a refund but that this smell is probably like the sort of new car smell any new thing is going to have and that I'm better to ride it out.

Have any of you that have purchased hybrid foam mattresses had this chemical/iron smell when they're new? I've never had a mattress with this smell, and to make sure I'm not crazy or imagining things I went and slept on my guest mattress a few nights - no chemical smell - so it is specifically this new mattress.

Has anyone here with a hybrid foam mattress had this chemical smell issue? Any brands you've had success with?

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