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Do You Meditate?

+12 HS
DoctorRocks0's picture
May 23, 2024 at 5:37pm

I'm a 15-20 minute a day minimum.  Try to do it twice.  

Yoga has 10 minutes of Meditation (which I do 3 days a week), and then I'll do a separate meditation later in the day.  I got into Yoga during my UFC days, having met so many fighters and trainers who swore by it.  A trainer named Mark Dellagrotte once told me "If you told me I needed one thing to help me improve physically, whether it was lifting, sparring or yoga, It would be Yoga."  That was my start. 

A little bit about my health, I'm largely fine, but have dealt with cluster/migraine headaches brought on from mostly stress.  Started in the 7th grade, but really got bad the last 5 years.  During Covid I was so stressed I collapsed and hit my head on the way down.  Was somewhat of a wakeup call, ironically, since I was out cold. 

Since that time I dedicated myself more to Yoga, but even more so to meditation.  

My headaches used to come every 3-4 months, but then they were coming every 7-8 days, and normally they would last at least 12 hours, sometimes 50+.  It was completely debilitating, and affecting everyone in my life.

Took prescription and non-prescription drugs etc -  nothing worked.  Until...meditation...daily.  

It took about a month to take myself down some levels, but it started to work.  I could feel myself reverberating when I would sit quietly. But over time the shaking calmed, and now it's hardly there.  Sometimes it's there when I begin, but not when I'm finished.  

Meditation has literally changed my life.  And I believe it can change everyone's life.  I no longer get headaches, and even in the chance I feel one coming on, I do 15 minutes of meditation and it begins to fade.  

If anyone has ever had insomnia, then you know that even for a moment if you can't fall asleep, that nervous feeling of insomnia can rush in.  Even if you haven't had it for years - it always lingers because it sucks so bad.  That's what it's like for me and the headaches.  But now I've finally controlled it after 30 years.

I started off using the headspace app, but I have moved on from that to a sort of Transcendental Meditation (TM) where I repeat the same phrase(s) over and over.  Sometimes the mind wonders.  My phrase is 3 short sentences that wind me down.  TD is supposed to be a short word, phrase, or something similar, but I do my thing and it works for me.  Whatever works.  

For anyone dealing with stress, anxiety, or something similar, I believe meditation will help your life in tremendous ways (and Yoga).  I'm sharing my story in the hopes that it helps someone else.

I'd never even have considered it had it not been for my years with the UFC, and having met many fighters who relied on it.  It was the beginning for me.  Hopefully it can help you! 

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