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Reminder—Cancer Sucks

+31 HS
YIATG's picture
September 28, 2024 at 2:06am

Good evening,

Just wanted to send a reminder your way to make each day count and not sweat the small stuff.

I know this site is often a small community of Buckeye aficionados, but I have also seen this place rally around people.

My family just got the news we had been dreading the last 14 months.  My wife (only 35 years old) was placed on Hospice.  F*** you cancer!

 Our time is fleeting, and I am hoping that tomorrow my wife holds on to watch one final Buckeye game with me.  So far this season, I was able to narrate the first few games to her via a hospital setting.  When we had found out that all our options were exhausted, I made it my mission to get her home to watch one final game together in the comfort of our own home.

We had planned to go to TTUN game for a while, and we kept finding reasons to put it off.  Man—how I regret that now…  My hope is to get out to Columbus for the game this year with my son in her honor this year.

If you have been on the fence to do something with your family, do not wait.  We thought we would always have deep into our retirement days, and unfortunately, it was not in our stars.

 I know later today that I will be cheering, soaking, and relishing the game like it will be my last.  For the past 14 years, we tried to watch as many games together as we could, and I am just hoping these next 60 minutes can last me the next 60 years of my life.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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