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Winter is Coming to Dallas - Tips for Those of You Headed to DFW

+54 HS
flying-banana's picture
January 6, 2025 at 3:29pm

Dallas resident here who will be at the game on Friday. For those of you not from Texas you should know that we are projected to have one heck of a winter storm on Thursday and Friday. Some tips for those traveling to Texas:

  • Dallas residents cannot handle the snow. Period. You should expect numerous traffic incidents, long traffic delays, and likely airport delays/cancellations as well. Plan accordingly.
  • If you are driving in DFW do so with caution. I've been here for ~15 years and there is no chaos like Texas highway chaos. It's not that Texas drivers are aggressive or overly slow, it's that they're everything all at once. Aggressive drivers mixed with slow drivers mixed with chaotic drivers. People will cross multiple lanes of traffic to make their exit. Also, turn signals are a sign of weakness.
  • Arlington (where the stadium is) is basically a tourist trap. Expect mostly chain restaurants and over-priced things. It's fine, but you'll find better stuff in either of the main cities (Dallas & Ft Worth).
  • Dallas area restaurants to try out:
    • Rodeo Goat: Good burgers, casual
    • Pecan Lodge: Very good and very touristy BBQ
    • Terry Blacks: Very good, slightly less touristy BBQ
    • Slow Bone: One of my favorite BBQ places, fantastic fried chicken
    • Velvet Taco: Solid white people tacos
    • Tacos La Banqueta: Solid Mexican tacos
    • Kellers: Old-school drive in greasy spoon
    • Goodfriends Package: Excellent breakfast sandwiches
    • Cane Rosso: Neopolitan pizza
    • LDU Coffee: There are thousands of excellent coffee shops, I personally like this one. Their Sandwiches are phenomenal.
    • There's like a billion other options, let me know if there's a specific type of food you like or an area you're staying and I can make a recommendation.

DFW Alumni Association is hosting a Thursday pep-rally/tailgate at Stan's Blue Note (sports bar). Registration is free but required (link here).

Ubers & Lyfts are everywhere, the DART (train) kind of sucks but is fine if it takes you where you want to go. Don't use the taxi services, Uber and Lyft are better.

If you're staying in Dallas a bit there's not a ton of sites to see, but the 6th floor museum (where JFK was shot) is extremely well done. If you do go see it say hello to the dude out front who gives away conspiracy theory literature. Supposedly he holds the world record for most times arrested as he's not permitted to hand out those brochures, but he always gets off and is a super nice dude.

Welcome to Dallas, dress warm and Go Bucks!!

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