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Hall Across the Country Logo Redesign Contest and Volunteers

+8 HS
IamJoeHall's picture
February 6, 2025 at 12:52am

Hey guys! In an effort to remove my face from our stuff (I don’t want people to think I’m more important than the cause, or important at all lol), we are doing a logo redesign contest and I wanted to post it here for anyone potentially interested. The contest will run through 2/14 and the designs will be voted on by the board members. Needing a banner style and a smaller one for social media profile pictures. Winner will be used on all our social medias, the upcoming redesigned website (thank you Enoch!) and I will also be rewarding the winner with $50. It ain’t much but the playoffs made me poor-er. 

If you or anyone you know may be interested designs can be emailed to


We’re also looking for volunteers for when we resume to help reach out to cities and towns we are heading towards. Checking with chambers of commerce and businesses etc to prepare for us to come through. 



Go Bucks!




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