Copying and posting from our Facebook page because I’m lazy….and at work.
What’s going on guys!? I am pleased to post this as the first birthday of Hall Across the Country! One year ago we got our confirmation from the IRS to act as a nonprofit!
The first year was full of ups and downs…and not just in the Appalachian mountains….
But in less than a month, on April 7th I will depart from Christian Life Community Church in Newville, PA and resume our walk through all lower 48 states and capitals.
As we celebrate this one year anniversary I want to give my heartfelt, true thanks to all of you who’ve followed along, commented, shared, donated, stopped and talked, bought a meal, shared a laugh and just been there to support us.
In addition to this I will never be able to communicate effectively the appreciation for our board members and volunteers. Taking time out of their “real lives” to send letters, emails, write grant proposals, call fire departments, and offer their support and insight. So to Mike Berlon Bill Bates Adam Ansley and Andy Foltz (who I can’t tag) thank you guys!
What would a celebration be without a surprise!? I mean I can’t afford to buy cake for all of you, so this will have to do….
I’m an effort to make “me” not seem more important than us, and what we’re doing, we’ve completely redesigned our logo. We are currently looking into options for new shirts.
So now I present to you, the new Hall Across the Country logo!
Also there have been people reaching out to see if I need anything as we get ready to hit the pavement again. I have most of the things I need, but like the first walk (and for part of this) I put together an Amazon wishlist. One for necessities, the other for “wants” to help make the journey easier.
The first, for “necessities”. I included a lightweight cook set to help save on food costs as we travel in addition to the usual necessity suspects
The second is “wants” just things to help make the trip a little bit more comfortable from time to time.
Thank you again to everyone who’s been along for the ride(s) thus far. Hopefully it gets better from here!
With love from myself, and all of us.