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Fake BCS Rankings - if They Existed - 2023 Wk 5

+15 HS
I_Run_The_Dave's picture
October 3, 2023 at 4:23pm

In response to Chase Brown not understanding the way the BCS worked in today's Skull Session, I have decided to revive this weekly forum post (I skipped last year).

It's always fun to see what the BCS would have done if their rankings still existed in place of the Selection Committee.  For the uninformed, the BCS used an average of the Coaches Poll, the Harris Poll, and a Computer Average ranking to compute what was called the BCS Average.  This average was used to rank teams, and the top 2 at the end of the season would play in the BCS National Championship game.

To arrive at the computer average, the following procedure would take place.  Each of the 6 computers would rank the top 25 (those computers were Anderson & Hester, Billingsley, Colley Matrix, Massey, Sagarin, and Wolfe).  You would receive 25 points for a ranking of 1, 24 for a ranking of 2, all the way down to 1 point for a ranking of 25.  Anything below a 25 received 0 points.  Then the top and bottom computer score for each team would be thrown out, so a maximum of 100 points were possible.  Divide by 100 to arrive at your computer average.  The Coaches Poll, Harris Poll, and Computer Average had equal weight and each provided 1/3 of your total BCS Average.

As a bit of note - the Harris Poll was created for the BCS when the AP Poll opted out, and I have substituted the AP Poll back in it's place due the the Harris Poll being disbanded after the 2013 season.  In addition, only 4 of the 6 computers are currently providing rankings (Anderson & Hester and Wolfe have not yet provided rankings for 2023), so I am taking those 4 rankings as is without throwing any of them out.  So it's not exactly the same formula but pretty close.

On to the rankings...

Mock BCS Rankings - 2023 Week 5
Team Record BCS Rank BCS Average AP Poll AP Avg Coaches Coaches Avg Computer Computer Avg
Georgia 5-0 1 0.9172 1 0.9684 1 0.9931 5 0.7900
Texas 5-0 2 0.9044 3 0.9200 4 0.8631 1 0.9300
Michigan 5-0 3 0.9020 2 0.9265 2 0.9394 4 0.8400
Ohio St 4-0 4 0.8946 4 0.8755 3 0.8781 1 0.9300
Penn St 5-0 5 0.8224 6 0.7917 6 0.7756 3 0.9000
Florida St 4-0 6 0.7802 5 0.8620 5 0.8588 8 0.6200
Washington 5-0 7 0.7640 7 0.7826 8 0.7494 7 0.7600
Oregon 5-0 8 0.6790 8 0.7181 9 0.6988 8 0.6200
Alabama 4-1 9 0.6656 11 0.5942 10 0.6225 6 0.7800
USC 5-0 10 0.6639 9 0.6949 7 0.7669 11 0.5300
Notre Dame 5-1 11 0.5791 10 0.6291 11 0.5781 11 0.5300
Oklahoma 5-0 12 0.5657 12 0.5420 12 0.5550 10 0.6000
North Carolina 4-0 13 0.4618 14 0.4684 13 0.4969 14 0.4200
Washington St 4-0 14 0.4060 13 0.4936 14 0.4444 17 0.2800
Mississippi 4-1 15 0.4044 16 0.3974 15 0.3856 13 0.4300
Oregon St 4-1 16 0.3524 15 0.4084 16 0.3788 18 0.2700
Miami FL 4-0 17 0.3146 17 0.3800 17 0.3538 23 0.2100
Utah 4-1 18 0.2835 18 0.2929 19 0.2675 15 0.2900
Tennessee 4-1 19 0.2512 22 0.1974 18 0.3063 19 0.2500
Missouri 5-0 20 0.2264 21 0.2123 22 0.1769 15 0.2900
Kentucky 5-0 21 0.1748 20 0.2219 20 0.2225 NR 0.0800
Duke 4-1 22 0.1557 19 0.2478 21 0.1994 NR 0.0200
LSU 3-2 23 0.1306 23 0.0961 23 0.1056 24 0.1900
Louisville 5-0 24 0.1233 25 0.0581 25 0.0619 19 0.2500
Texas A&M 4-1 25 0.0990 NR 0.0200 NR 0.0369 21 0.2400

It's fun to make observations about this data.  At first, it looks like Ohio State is undervalued by the human polls since they are tied with Texas at 1 in the Computer Average.  Then I see Alabama at 6 in the computers and I realize that 5 weeks isn't enough for anything meaningful.  Also, some teams have played more games which introduces bias, particularly in Colley's formula (his formula starts every team basically at 0.500 and add/subtracts for each win/loss, so early in the year when teams have an unequal number of games played can skew the rankings).

This will get better closer to the end of the season, but to be honest, it's really not that far off of what my gut says things should be.  You actually have to play games for computers to rank well, they aren't impacted by projections or poll inertia, so they are going to take time to adjust.  But not too bad after 5 weeks.

Curious as to everyone else's thoughts.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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