OK, everybody got their Tin Foil hats on? Lets dig in. By now we saw there is an LLC registered to Stalions called "Home Essentials Distribution LLC". Home Essentials Distribution is actually an Amazon Storefront. There are currently no products for sale, which is strange since they were selling products at least until August 23rd per the customer reviews.
Here's where it gets interesting. The bulk of the reviews are negative with customers saying the products were broken or old in the reviews. There are even some positive reviews where the customer states they were issued a refund.

Also strange... There have been customer questions answered by Stalions that show up in the Google results, however upon clicking them they seem to have been deleted:

Why delete things like this? Now a huge coincidence. Conor Stalions was hired in May of 2022. The very first customer review for Home Essentials Distribution was May 19 2022

I cant view the stores sales history because I dont have an AMZScout Pro Extension but my theory is that boosters or someone tied to TTUN was buying fake or nonexistent "products" from this Amazon Store so that he could cover travel and ticket expenses out of his own pocket (on paper at least) and that the broken vacuums etc were dummy products loaded into the store so that they could prove it was actually a real storefront that anyone could buy from, hence all the negative reviews and refunds given.
This is all just a theory but I really think someone with a better knowledge of Amazon sales tracking could find some interesting things by going down this road.