I know we have a thread for this but McCarthy gave an interview yesterday, and sadly it wasn’t Jenny McCarthy.
McCarthy gave an interview yesterday and the attached article is the write up. It’s really difficult to read something that is just utter garbage. I would normally say wait for all the fact, then judge but so much has already been leaked.
We know CS was taping games on opposing sidelines. We know boosters were paying for it. We know their coaches used the information.
Sure, we don’t know if the players knew……. but seriously how could they not know. If they didn’t know, it’s because they didn’t want to.
He tries his best to cover it up. And of course the triple dog dare….. he accuses Ohio State of stealing signs. Maybe not in the same manner but he really wants to muddy the waters with the hope of any wrong doing from our University.
It’s not just that they did it………. That’s bad enough but that they deny, lie, and accuse everyone of it, knowing what they did was clearly not the same and way beyond anything anyone has done before. I hope the ncaa takes all this into consideration when they lower the boom. And I hope the boom is lowered before the start of next season. The longer this drags on I feel it will lose its appeal.
I do believe TTUN has pissed off the ncaa similar to what USC did and we saw what happened to the Trojans.
P.S. I want forfeited games……. Not vacated and a reduction of at least 30 scholarships.