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NorthPoleBuckeye's picture
August 5, 2024 at 11:00am

Let the good times roll!

Brohio  1 HOUR AGO 

Ok guys. We’re good to go on this. A few days ago I mentioned CMU was not the only team Connor did “freelance work” for. I’m going to be very careful with my wording here so let’s start with what I don’t know and what I can’t prove. Then we’ll get to what I can prove. 

I don’t know and can’t prove what Connor did for the team. I’m not alleging he stole signs for them and I’m not alleging he did anything illegal for them. I don’t know if he ever performed any of this work in-person or during any games. I also don't know how much he was paid for his work with them or how he was paid. Tbh that isn’t that important in this instance. Ok now that that’s out of the way. 

Stalions was paid for consulting work by the Baltimore Ravens. I can prove that at the very least, Stalions said this happened and was true. Let me repeat that, I can prove that Connor said he was paid to consult for the Baltimore Ravens. I have an additional way to prove this but I’m not going to disclose that here. Why is this important? There has been an immense effort by many from the Michigan side and the Michigan media to present Stalions as the lone wolf and insinuate that no coaches knew what he was doing. The first domino to fall was CMU. If no coaches knew what Stalions was doing, why is another college staff made up of former Michigan coaches paying for his services and allowing him on the sideline during a game? How did he gain access? There’s a lot of questions. Now you have an NFL team with Michigan’s former DC at the time, Mike Macdonald, coached by Jim Harbaugh’s brother, and the former home of Jesse Minter paying Connor to freelance. It’s nearly impossible for an NFL team to be more intertwined with a college program than the Ravens and Michigan. So let me ask the question I’m sure we all have. If no one knew what Stalions was doing, how did he convince an NFL playoff team full of Michigan connections to pay him for his services? He’s a recruiting analyst remember? Ravens must have been really looking to finally get some of those Southern 5 stars to pick them over Bama lmao. 

Message Board Geniuses will probably have a field day with this but like I said I can prove it if any of the powers that be want to press me on it. My email is out there. 

From PremierDrum: A thought-provoking message received this morning, with 2 interesting points:

- It was reported here and elsewhere that the "framework" for resolution included full vacating of the 2021 and 2022, and partial vacation of the 2023 season. However, the structure of the draft NOA could indicate that the mechanism for triggering vacation (or forfeits, as that word was used the first time this morning) could be specifically related to games where TCUN was playing teams that they had scouted through the "impermissible scheme." I'm sure it's informed speculation on my guy's end, but the thought seems to be that this route would hold up much stronger under appeal. And,

- Noticeably missing from the draft NOA was any mention of the stolen practice footage or other computer access crimes. "Any infractions currently under criminal investigation would not be reviewed by the NCAA until after the conclusion of the criminal investigation." Now, it could be that the practice footage claim was sniffed out and found to be not credible. However, multiple folks within the WHAC and at least a few connected friends on the OSU beat believe it to be 100% factual. 


Strictly my opinion based on statements (and non-statements), better than not. 

I do believe that the Weiss investigation (gaining access to campus emails and generally being a creep) was a completely separate issue from the scouting scheme. However, the dots just all line up for the rumored footage to have been found, which would have certainly triggered notification to the NCAA and/or B1G. 

Now, paying interns to record video in a public place isn't a crime. Accessing private computer networks and stealing digital materials is very much a crime. While also an obvious violation of both NCAA and league rules, the legal process would have to play out first. 

If the stolen practice video didn't happen, we would have heard that by now. If the Weiss investigation was closed without charges, we would know. 

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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