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+38 HS
undercoverbuck's picture
August 27, 2024 at 9:08am

PD from the end of the last thread:

Things I told you last night to expect before TCUN takes the field Saturday:

[x] CMU update (and we're not close to done)

[  ] NOA leak on the scheme's operation

[  ] Maybe a leak of the Weiss stuff / FBI investigation


Things are heating up, fellow posters...

PD from the last few threads:

Just when you think things are quieting down, it spools right back up. I'm sitting at a ballet studio and have chortled - loudly - reading texts this evening. 

More bad news is set to land before they take the field. 

Buckle up. 


We're at the drip-drip-drop phase. Enjoy each nugget. They had a golden opportunity to fess up, rip the band-aid off, and start to recover. They declined. 

I'm expecting bits on the scheme's operation, an update from the Chippewas, and perhaps a trickle from the Weiss stuff... this week. 

A non-zero chance we see Moore take a lashing, even if temporarily.

The information simmering up to a boil is not happenstance. Details and accusations have elevated into the mainstream. 

They could deny any or all of it - even disingenuously through Balas - but they haven't. 

If the NOA was in any way as minor as they initially let on, they could leak it. They won't. 

There is a transcript floating around. Getting it vetted and verified for major media could take some time. 

Today was bad, but it very well could be the best day TCUN will have for a while. 

You hate to see it. 


And one nice recap from PD:

Just so this is memorialized somewhere, as these threads are moving fast and furious:

CMU confirms they are cooperating with the NCAA:

- Confirmed to be Stalions on the sideline

- Received draft notification around 7/25, but has not received a formal NOA

- One coach already fired, others in jeopardy

- Internal investigation continues amid ongoing cooperation

In the doc:

- Proof Stalions lied to the NCAA, "did not recall" attending CMU game

- Portnoy outs Stalions as bragging about being at CMU game

Brohio confirms:

- Stalions was at CMU at their behest, being paid by them under the table.

Someone is tugging on the thread from AA to East Lansing... that connection wasn't an accident. 

I trust this update will find its way over to Bucknuts, too. (´ε` )♡


After getting assurances from Micah that it wouldn’t be in the documentary, Connor admitted off-camera that he was at the CMU game working for CMU. When I was told this, I actually pushed back on the story. I said that I didn’t see Connor talking to any coaches in the pics I saw (I’m aware Justin Spiro has now posted a video) and I also said if he was being paid then it should be able to be tracked. Micah said Connor was being paid under the table and he also doubled down that Connor was in communication with the CMU coaches. Connor was not “passed team gear through the fence” or any of the other fairy tales that are floating around out there. Micah said he asked Connor if he was worried he would show up on the security cameras and Connor said he wore his costume to the game. Connor told Micah that neither side would ever talk and Connor said as long as he kept saying no, they’d never be able to prove it was him. That’s it. 

The NCAA already confirmed it was him so IDK why there is this big argument over the minutia of the situation. That’s it. That’s the story as it was told to me. 

And look, I know a lot of things that didn’t end up on camera and I know that everyone wants this fire and brimstone out of me but at the end of the day, this dude cheated at a game. I’m not trying to mess up his entire future over some football rules. I’m aware if the shoe was on the other foot, Michigan fans might not extend me the same courtesy but it’s just not the kind of person I am. We can discuss a lot of things about the film later today no problem but I’m not going to air out every piece of Connor Stalions dirty laundry in an attempt to completely ruin him just so you guys (whom I love dearly) will think I’m cool. 


Also the winds are changing, tides turning. The documentary didn't have the effect UM slappies thought. 

Danny Kannel tweeted (x'ed?) "Harbaugh Knew".

I wanted to hear more details before really having a strong opinion on what Michigan did. But it's clear: They clearly cheated. They have been blatantly lying about the extent of it. They deserve harsh punishment. The entire Harbaugh era at Michigan is tainted.


Valenti is giving credited to Us (the collective dubbersphere but mostly the heavy hitters PD, Brohio, et al.) for being the most tuned in and being right on just about everything.

We might actually win this thing... March on to Hammer Time.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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