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I Was in Netflix - Sign Stealer. AMA

+172 HS
Brohio's picture
August 27, 2024 at 11:18am

What a day. I've been living for the memes and it's still early. The OSU vs. Michigan Twitter war is exactly what internet was made for. This is why we do it boys. Figured it would be easier to just answer everything in one central place and not try to sift through the scandal thread to find stuff you're asking. There's 2 things I want to address ahead of time because they are my only gripes with the documentary. 

1. I'm very self aware. I am all too familiar with the â€ślives-in-his-mom’s-basement” energy that exudes from commenters like us degenerates in the Michigan scandal threads and football message boards in general. When I was being filmed, I expressed the absurdity of a professional production crew pointing a very expensive camera at me in a chair wearing a balaclava and Target sunglasses to talk about a vacuum repairman that cheated at football and my forum posts from an online college football sewing circle. I asked the crew to leave it in the final cut, but sadly they did not. I don't think I'm in Delta Force. I'm a message board poster. I would just rather remain anonymous if possible. And tbh I wanted the full Message Board Sicko voice changer experience. Blurring was not an option so I was forced to pop up on your TV screens dressed like the Pantone swatch of Ryan Day's beard. 

2. Nobody sent my mom a death threat lol. In my interview I was describing the craziness of college football fandom and the Harvey Updykes of the world and that quote was pulled out of context for seemingly dramatic effect. I definitely get harassed sometimes, but I do not feel like I am in any actual danger. It's mostly good natured. Sometimes not though. 

Ask away and I will start answering. 

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