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+52 HS
NorthPoleBuckeye's picture
September 2, 2024 at 2:32pm

Two quick notes:

- I'll own that I was optimistic in how quickly it would leak. Once I confirmed that a copy was floating around I didn't think it would take very long to see daylight... and the idea that UM was negotiating to try to keep it held through last night (admittedly from a DET media source) passed the smell test. The longer it goes without leaking through major media, the more likely we are to see it surface with BS or Zach Smith. 

- I made this pretty clear in our big NOA break last week, but want to reiterate since it's gaining traction: The accusation that the "third firm" was engaged by sports books is what most of my sources believe, but I don't have anything credible enough to 100% substantiate that. The more I dig the more that answer just seems to be the most convenient, and very well could be going through its own circular confirmation process. I wouldn't be surprised if we never fully learn just who got this outfit involved. However, I have complete confidence that this investigation had help from someone on the inside and ultimately made the first reports to the NCAA about the scheme. 

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