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+43 HS
NorthPoleBuckeye's picture
November 26, 2024 at 12:49am

It's game week and time to lower the boom on the cheaters!

So we're all on the same page-

Today, Nov. 25th, is UM's deadline to reply to the NOA. This will be transmitted privately and securely, and will not be made public today. 

I do expect at least some journalistic confirmation later on that the reply has been sent, and wouldn't be surprised to see some loosely-sourced characterizations from UM-sympathetic outlets. I expect UM's tight lid to continue to quash any larger leaks. 

Our next best chance to see full documentation is in about 3 weeks, which was UM's FOIA office's initial timeline for releasing the NOA under open records laws. While that timeline could still slide, they haven't yet reset their expectations. 

After today, there is a 60-90 day window within which the COI reviews UM's response and schedules their hearing. Given steps that have been taken by enforcement staff over the past few months, I do not expect this part of the process to drag out nearly as long as it could. 

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