Ohio State Athletics Forum

Ohio State Athletics Forum

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Basketball Championship vs Football Championship?

+3 HS
Bringthejuice's picture
February 8, 2021 at 1:16pm

After the Iowa game several days ago, I had an interesting conversation with an Ohio State fan and asked her (towards the end) if a basketball national championship would make her feel better about what happened to us in the national championship game against Alabama. Her immediate response was “No. Not a chance.” So I followed up and asked more questions. She stated that the football team’s accomplishments matter to her way more than the basketball team’s, and that she didn’t really have a reason for it. For me personally...I’d much prefer a football title than basketball, and any basketball success is kind of the icing on the cake, so to speak. I grew up during and around the Dennis Hopson and Jay Burson basketball eras, and watched nearly every game on TV from toddlerhood until I moved away to college. Yet, for me, football was king. And it still is. I understand that Ohio State has traditionally been viewed as a “football school,” yet we’ve had decent basketball success at times.

My questions are...how do your expectations and hopes typically change from football season to basketball season? Why do you think you feel more emotionally invested in one Ohio State team over another, if you do? And, to you, what constitutes success during a given football season compared to basketball season?

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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