Maxwell Riley, Ohio’s top offensive lineman in the 2026 recruiting class, commits to Ohio State.
I'm not a #firethad proponent. I'm seriously thankful for all he's done for OSU. As most have said, though, the last 2 1/2 seasons have been a drop-off in intensity & consistency.
Two major blowouts to BiG 10 foes - where a lack of heart and hustle were much to blame for the embarrassment (though we'd likely lose the games, that was terrible).
There seems to be something that's gotten into this program - a laziness or entitlement - where guys just don't seem to care.
Thad still recruits extremely well has a ton of BBall IQ, but it does seem that players don't progress, sometimes they regress. Is his back keeping him from coaching like he once did? I'm amazed with all he's been through he is still able to coach, actually.
Which means he needs to rely more on assistants to coach. He's lost some key ones the last few years.
If you were to say we need a "Tom Herman" or "Chris Ash" for the bball team, which would you choose? Why? (And any suggestions as to who you would have in those roles)