and this will get bumped immediately
and I am not sure why every now and then the staff has felt it necessary to post an article on the things the basketball program needs to do to right the proverbial ship, because as one commentor said in one of these articles, it just amounts to wishful thinking to believe that next season wil not be the same if not worse. And sitting next to an Israeli friend yesterday, who was wearing an OSU Final Four NewOrleans shirt. I thought I had forgotten, put this season behind me,gotten past the last horrible game against...Rutgers, but there it was, again, haunting me, a poor defenseless immigrant living in Israel.
So, by all means, delete this,(or put it in the archives, so I can eat some crow next year) but I had to get it off my chest, because the one thing that needed to be done, which was to replace the current head coach, was not.
[Mod Edit to title for clarification.]