Happy Monday, Eleven Warriors!
As most are aware, the NCAA Tournament selection show took place last night, and Ohio State drew Sister Jean’s Loyola-Chicago squad in the first round. These teams have not played since 1961, when Ohio State hosted while ranked #1 overall and proceeded to win 92-72. Unfortunately, early word appears to be the Buckeyes are good pick for a 7/10 upset this year, given the trajectory of each team heading into the end of the season.
Last year’s tournament performance against Oral Roberts still has folks reeling, so with upsets in mind, I want to pose for This Week’s Question: Which Ohio State NCAA Tournament Loss Would You Most Enjoy Seeing Avenged?
For me, the answer is pretty easy. I know there’s a piece of my soul that won’t recover entirely until that horrible loss to UK in 2011’s March Madness finally finds some retribution. Beating Calipari and Co. in 2019 was nice, but it doesn’t carry the same sting as knocking an elite team out of title contention for the year.
What about you? Which tourney loss do you hope to see avenged in the upcoming years of Ohio State basketball?