There has been a lot of criticism of Jake Diebler the past couple of weeks comparing him to Holtmann. I think we all have to remember that he is starting his first full season as a head coach and there are going to be some growing pains along the way (see Ryan Day). With that being said, I think we also need to take a few talking points into consideration. First, he is still building his squad which is going to take a few years. He has done well with recruiting locking down the top prospects in Ohio and the next couple of recruiting classes look promising. Hopefully he can sprinkle in some transfers as well. Second, he is an Ohio boy that bleeds Ohio State. He is setting a family culture according to former players that will be a big foundation for the program going forward. Finally, the Big 10 has a lot of good teams in it this year and we have been close to beating a few of them (Wisconsin, Oregon). He also beat a really good Kentucky team. This may be a bit of an up and down year but the future looks promising under Mr. Diebler.
Jake Diebler Appreciation Post!
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