Welcome to Trivia Time, the community quiz that will unequivocally prove how smart the community is...or not. We believe that Eleven Warriors is home to the most knowledgeable Buckeye fans on the planet. It is now time for you to prove it.
Below, you will find 10 questions. The answer with the most votes for each question will be the "community answer". The answers and community grade will be revealed at the bottom of next week's Trivia Time.
As we near the return of Luke Fickell to the Ohio Stadium sidelines, you will find some trivia questions below to help you pass the time. Today's questions are based on Ohio State's past performances against in-state opponents, facing former coaches and some random facts about the University of Cincinnati.
In between this week's questions, you will find the results of last week's Trivia Time based on FAU.
Two simple rules: Please use your brain (not a search engine) and only play once.
Difficulty: 1st and goal from the 1
Last Week's Questions
The community is answer is in italics, the correct answer is in bold. If the community came up with the correct answer it will be bold and in italics.
Who is Florida Atlantic's coach?
Butch Davis...........0.3%
Lane Kiffin............98.5%
Nick Saban............0.3%
Daniel Tosh............0.9%
Yes, Daniel Tosh does look like Lane Kiffin (and does a great impersonation), but he is not the coach of the Owls. For the two people that selected Butch Davis and Nick Saban...man, there are no words.
Who did Ohio State defeat to start the 2018 season?
Bowling Green.......3%
Oregon State........79%
Virginia Tech...........1%
I'm concerned for those of you that could not remember Ohio State started last season with a 77-31 beating of the Beavers. It's one of three things: You had way too much pre-game preparation, you're developing dementia or the game just wasn't memorable enough for you. My hope is that your excuse is option one or three.
Difficulty: 2nd and 5
Last Week's Questions
When was the last time Ohio State lost a season opening game?
Butch Davis and the Hurricanes put themselves back on the college football map after shocking John Cooper's 9th ranked Buckeyes, 23-12, in Giants Stadium. The win was the beginning of Miami's resurgence and the beginning of the end for Cooper.
Saturday will mark the start of the _____ season of Ohio State football.
More than half of you knocked this one out of the park. For the other 49 percent of you, Ohio State football started in 1890.
Difficulty: 3rd and 10
Last Week's Questions
What is the name of FAU's mascot?
Owly the Owl..........23%
Owlsey the Owl......34%
Oxford the Owl.......25%
Oxy the Owl...........18%
I'm shocked that many of you were able to correctly Owlsey the Owl as FAU's mascot. Then again, our state does have a lot of snow birds.
Going into this game, what is Ohio State's record when playing against teams in Conference USA?
The Buckeyes entered last week's game with a 5–0 record against Conference USA. Through six questions, the 11W community has a perfect record on last week's quiz.
Difficulty: 4th and 15
Last Week's Questions
Where is Florida Atlantic's main campus located?
Boca Raton.............79%
Cocoa Beach............3%
Delray Beach............7%
Fort Lauderdale.......10%
Boca Raton is the correct answer.
Before tomorrow's game, how many times has Ohio State started a season in August?
The Buckeyes have now played 12 games in August and are 10–2. The losses were to Miami (see above) and to No. 5 Alabama in 1986.
Difficulty: Hail Mary
Last Week's Questions
What comedian attended Florida Atlantic?
Carrot Top.........48%
Daniel Tosh.......41%
Josh Gad............9%
Stepin Fetchit.....2%
Tosh attended UCF, you correctly identified Carrot Top as FAU's comedic famo alum.
When was the last time Ohio State lost a season opener to an unranked opponent?
Miami 1999................40%
Arizona 1967..............28%
Washington 1966.......17%
UCLA 1962.................15%
Yes, Ohio State did lose to Miami in 1999, but the Hurricanes were ranked 12th. The Washington loss was in the second week of the season, as was the UCLA loss. That leaves Arizona in 1967 as the last time Ohio State lost a season opener to an unranked team.
Last Week's Grade: A- (90)

Very impressive, the 11W community shows off its football intelligence and was one question away from a perfect score.
You have attained Cliff Claven status.
Remember, the correct answers and community grade for this week's Trivia Time will be revealed at the bottom of next week's quiz.
Feel free to talk about last week's quiz in the comment section. However, please do not disclose your answers for this week's Trivia Time.