Coach Jim Tressel... The man responsible for every sweatervest you've ever bought. The man who made us call an inept offense 'Tresselball' with a smile. Oh yeah, that 310 day prediction, 9-1 against Michigan, & 2OT in Tempe.
Yep, before NIL was a thing, discounted tattoos were deadly. Some got a few, and Tressel knew!
That March Yahoo! Sports article was a slow dispensing death knell for his career. Even led to a SIX GAME SUSPENSION for his 2011 'son in law job,' a 'replay consultant' for the Colts... Is that really a thing in football, replay consultant?
--No Pryor and others in 2011 (would've happened regardless of Tressel's status), created OSU's worst season since 1897.
--The vast unknown that was the NCAA's impending hammer. They were eilte in the mid 2000's... never been back.
--Lost a 5 Star Recruit in Ohio to Michigan... Fortunately, no blood on the field.
--No QB Depth in 2011, led to this passing chart (Smile if you remember)
--2011's bowl game's biggest story was next year's coach.
--Urban, made them elite
--And what an exit!
--Day, made them even better? (ok, that's debatable... they finished 2020 as #11)
--QB Depth? OSU easily has the greatest 3rd string QB in CFB history. Damn, what a debut.
The only reason they don't have 9 straight against Michigan was a cancellation.