I know a lot of people are pissed off right now - I'm not. I would be lying if I said I expected us to perform THIS poorly - but simultaneously I am not surprised. I have, for several years now, been pointing to concerning trends with this program. To that end, at the conclusion of last years M*chigan game I found myself in the camp calling for Day's ouster. I regained some hope that he may redeem himself, or not truly be below our standards, after the M*chigan cheating came to light. But especially after tonight's performance, I am more of the belief that M*chigan's cheating merely exacerbated those losses. My arguments -
-Since Day took over our offensive line play has declined every single year. This game highlights the depths they've fallen to.
-Since Day took over our running game has grown more and more anemic/hit-or-miss. There are games when you watch one of our backs and say - my god that's the best halfback in the country and he should get 2000 yards. Then the next game they have 17 yards. There is no consistent running game, and that gets worse every season. This likely ties back to the offensive line to some degree.
-Since Day took over there has been a distinct failure to make smart calls in big situations. The easiest example of this is tonight when Brown has clearly become hobbled - a trick play is called where Brown moves out wide and Henderson is the lone back to take the snap. Brown is hobbled though - meaning either Ohio State is about to throw to a man who can't move, or they're using him as a decoy that now the defense can ignore. That's a 10 on 11 play.
-And finally - the soft thing. Since Day took over, I submit something has changed about the attitude around the program. I've been hesitant to get onto this wagon, and even chided those saying the team is soft. Maybe soft isn't the right word. But SOMETHING has changed. The fire just doesn't look like it's there anymore. Maybe there's a softness in some of Day's play calling.
Gentlemen I'm of the opinion it's time to cut the line. Before this game I was in the boat of "one more year" with all we had likely coming back, M*chigan likely to be suffering the penalties of their extensive cheating, everything in front of us. But honestly - I don't think I can take another season of 10 or 11 wins while getting killed when we play the teams that are supposed to be our peers.
And since I am already seeing the apologists - yes I'm aware Kienholz is the 3rd string back. That doesn't change the O-Line he has blocking for him and Henderson. That doesn't change that Day had a full month to prepare a backup to do more than hand the ball off or make 15 step drops away from his protection. Cardale won a god damn national title.