Rich Eisen said even as a Michigan man he finds it crazy that Chris Fowler and ESPN broadcast keeps mentioning Michigan when Ohio State is demolishing teams. Eisen said it's crazy that post game there were 5 Michigan questions to Day and Lanning from the media.
— JBook. (@JBook_37) January 3, 2025
If it keeps fueling the fire, then they can keep asking away. But eventually they will have to come to terms that OSU is the best team in the country and Michigan is watching us from the couch.
@OhioStateFB @bougiesports @BrownsFanGurl @gabbgoudy @Jokerscuckoo @JAYALNOCAPP @jayoooo365 @Gbush91 @luvbuckeyes @Reflog_18 @LaVidaLysandra @Bigdawg_5150 @MrHyde850 @_ifleezy_ @egoldie80 @BeauBishop @Slimdog @BrownSpiderCLE @ESPNCleveland #ClevelandTillTheCasketDrop ! O-H !
— Ellis N Orlando #D4L (@EllisNOrlando1) January 2, 2025