Greetings, my earthly time-trapped friends of the Warriors Eleven. As I have done over the (your) years, Time Traveler visits your realm of reality as an historic observer of big events…this time, it’s at the inauguration of the Golden Age of Buckeye Football!
Welcome to the timeline!
As your cheerleading and dance teams have gone before you to their own national championships, a legendary Buckeye team is in the wings…chomping at the bit to begin the destruction that will follow.
Some historian said it best: “Deez Nuts is gonna kick zee azz!”
On the Cusp. Can you feel it?
I bid you well. Prepare your beverages of choice and mark your calendars on this day…”the Golden Age began today”, and sit back (or stand up screaming) on an enjoyable adventure into the future! How do you say it? “Go Bucks”!
I have one question for you…after tonight’s win…what are you going to do…tomorrow?