Unlike other years: OSU had FOUR postseason games (1 home, 2 neutral, 1 neutral but in Texas vs. Texas)
Who here physically went to 1, 2, 3, or ALL 4?
- if any commenter went to all 4, they deserve a minimum 1,234 upvotes
If so, tell your tale!!!!!
Here's mine (I'll keep it short)
- I live in SoCal and attended the Rose Bowl
- We were in the OSU section, but an Oregon family of 4 with two small kids, toddler age arrived late into the first quarter.
- These children were too small to appreciate the experience, and the parents were dismayed to find Oregon down 3 scores upon arrival. (not a good idea to bring toddlers to these things)
- About 20 minutes later (now 34-0), I noticed they were gone and never came back.. likely paid nearly $2k for 20 minutes of no fun and much toddler fuss.
- Afterwards, we ate Chinese on the way home and consumed some Roast Duck (after OSU made some smoked duck)
- It took my wife a minute or two to figure out why I was fixated on consuming duck... then she put it together

(Mod Edit: Fixed your title typo, Ziplock.)