Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

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Any Thoughts in Jim Tyrer and His Football Hall of Fame Possibilities

+4 HS
midsouthbuckeye's picture
February 8, 2025 at 12:39am

I was born a Buckeye and moved to KC in 1979 (then came back to go to OSU).  I was always disappointed there were not a lot of Buckeyes that played for the Chiefs.

Come to find that Jim Tyrer, former All-American lineman for Woody Hayes was drafted by the Dallas Texans and moved with them to KC.  His performance for more than a decade was stellar, All-Pro worthy even. 

I had never heard him mentioned once as a Buckeye or a Chief until this this year.  I was too young to remember when it happened in KC.   Obviously his crime (murdered his wife and committed suicide) was horrific.  Is he worthy of enshrinement in Canton?  He was a finalist this year for the first time I think.   CTE is a real thing.

I was kind of hoping he would get in, but I think Sterling Sharpe getting the selected through the Senior committee is reasonable.  Only four players getting in is a better number for me.  The Hall seems like a Hall of Mediocre the last several years.  

Based solely on NFL career, Big Jim Tyrer should get in If you are going to let in guys like:

Eric Allen, Patrick Willis, Steve McMichael, Devin Hester, Zach Thomas, Ronde Barber, Tony Boselli,  John Lynch, Edgerrin James, Ty Law.  There are many other great players like these, but are they all really Hall of Fame worthy.  That is not even talking about the Senior Committee additions.


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