I am looking to do a collage wall in my basement from the title run. I would like to have pictures from all 4 playoff games represented. The Sawyer picture vs. Texas on the Scoop and Score will definitely be on the wall along with the 3rd and 11 Jeremiah Smith picture with the sideline in the background. I'm looking for some help on additional great photos from each game (multiple pictures from games is totally fine, not limiting it to one picture per game).
Does anyone have any great picture suggestions from the playoff run? Figured I'm not the only one looking to upgrade the man cave after the title run and thought this might be a good forum topic where we can all share great picture inspirations. I prefer game action photos (vs. trophy celebrations, etc.). I saw an awesome clip of Will Howard at the Rose Bowl with his arms raised after a TD throw and the crowd as the backdrop but have not been able to find any photos of it.
I have been scouring Ebay and Etsy for photos but looking for some support from the 11W community.
Thank you in advance!