So, looking back 100 years, the top sports that people followed were baseball, boxing, and horse racing. Basketball and football were in their infancy, and Ohio Stadium was celebrating its 1 year anniversary.
Today, the sports landscape has changed. The NFL is the clear predominant force in the American sports scene, with college football right beside it. Depending on how you gauge it, you can argue either the NBA or MLB as the #2 sports league, with the NHL probably at #4 and MLS at #5.
So, let's look forward. People have been predicting a decline in interest in football because of concussions and the decrease in participation at the youth level. Baseball attendance keeps decreasing, but overall they sell a lot of tickets. Basketball is basketball. You can argue that both hockey and soccer have a lot of room to grow in this country.
So, let's look to the 2033 shall we? Rank the most watched sports in 30 tears time. (MLS coincidentally is closing in on it's 30-year anniversary, and it has definitely grown a lot during that time. In 1997 if you would say the Crew would be building a $300 million stadium in downtown Columbus, people would have said you were crazy.)