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Are You a 15%er?

-1 HS
oldebucke's picture
September 27, 2023 at 12:41pm

The phrase " the fringe15%" has become popular here to describe those posters who others think they expect 100% perfection from our Buckeyes. That's a fair argument and is unfair to our players and staff...unattainable. I would counter that there is also another "fringe 15%"; those that question if anything could be improved upon by those same players and staff. You know them; the ones who refer to all the "couch coaches" as if they think they are know-it-alls and should have no opinion. The same ones who have comebacks like "STFU and go root for another team". They're as bad, if not worse. There's good news though; that leaves 70% who can actually respect another's opinion and enjoy exchanging thoughts. I prefer to focus those. It doesn't seem like it should be that difficult; after all, we all want the same thing...success for our Buckeyes! I'm done ranting...just my 2 cents.

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