This Week in Twitter: Fast Food Debates on the Football Team, Baseball is Back, Alumni Doing Good for the Community, and Cardale Jones Loves Mortal Kombat

By 11W Staff on April 24, 2021 at 2:35 pm
Spring game shenanigans
From @OhioStateFB

This Week in Twitter is our weekly look at some of the week's best and most entertaining tweets from current and former Ohio State players and other Ohio State accounts.

There's a lot of fun things going on in This Week in Twitter, but I want to start us off this Saturday with a bit of an existential quandary from a player we all know well:

And really, don't all conflicts really boil down to that? Except "Me versus Act of God," I guess. I saw Dante's Peak, not a ton you can do about pyroclastic flows.

Anyway, here's DeShaun Thomas putting in work in Japan for the Alvark Tokyo club. You can view his team profile here, which lists his favorite drink as Gator Raid, something that I enjoy very, very much.

Zach Harrison is smart.

Smarter than I was in college. It's the little comments that matter.

Shaun Wade is putting in some really great work in Jacksonville ahead of the NFL Draft, and while I could type up a whole inadequate spiel about it, here's Randy Wade to give you the 411:

Great job out of that guy, and great job out of extremely cool and extremely paid dude Corey Linsley too!

Corey and his wife have done a ton of incredible charity work for years, and it's fantastic to see him continuing those efforts.

Other great efforts: this MS Painted Earth Day graphic from Brutus, which I feel will be tattooed on me after I lose betting on whether Columbus will ever get a light rail system or not.

Our next set of Tweets starts with this extremely important question (usually around 11:30 a.m. for me), and then totally devolves into fast food nonsense. I love offseason player Twitter so, so much.

But I'm not going to lie, my Saturday evening is going to involve a take and bake pizza and MORTAL KOOOMMMBAAAAAAATTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad that Cardale and I are on the same wavelength.

Anyway, if you want to learn a little about the game of football (instead of the game of death that is a martial arts tournament in another dimension), Brian Hartline is here to help you out:

Check out the replies to that one for some other great videos.

Finally, let's close this out with an adorable dog, freaking BASEBALL, some beauty, and some truth. In that order.

Always love to see a coach going to bat for a player, and hopefully the NFL listens to Ryan Day more than the white noise that is NFL Draft prognostication. Justin Fields is going to kick serious ass in the league, and I'm excited to see where he lands this coming week.

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