There are a few grains of salt that must be taken with every anonymous source, but boy is this article a lot of fun. An anonyous, former BCS-player at Oregon went back to tailgate/revel in the culture for the first time, and the picture he paints of Oregon fans is rather humorous:
My friend and I took our seats where I soon became acquainted with the most ignorant people in all of college football. Directly behind me were a couple of drunk (expletive) who criticized Marcus' ability to throw the football, DeAnthony's ability to run the football, the lineman's ability block, and the coach's ability to analyze film and call plays. After hearing so much ignorant (expletive), I turned around to tell the "fans" to chill the (expletive) out. Marcus had overthrown a receiver on a tough play and the spectator made comment, "Hey, Marcus! Throw it inbounds, dumbass!" in, which I finally had enough, and turned around and asked if he would like to get down there and take Marcus' place. The man responded, "No". Then I asked if we were all still rooting for Oregon, in which he responded in an aggressive, irrelevant and incoherent manner and so I decided to discontinue the conversation I had started with him.
I was then verbally attacked by other spectators saying, "you need to keep your (expletive) mouth shut, because you don't know (expletive) about football." They claimed that I didn't know that they had coached college football, and that I had no idea what I was talking about. Ironic to say the least, considering my background and what you know of me, what my old teammates know of me, and what my old coaches know of me.
Not too long after, a woman a couple seats down yelled for 10 minutes straight about how the players were playing like "(expletive)". The coaches were being "(expletive)". The refs were being "(expletive)". All during the time I was telling my friend how embarrassing it was to have her on our side. And then I started hearing laughter from the surrounding crowd and encouragement of that behavior. Is this really what goes on in the stands? Is this really the type of people we attract???
Woof. Not at a good look, Ducks fans.