Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Some Perspective and a Little Bit of JJ

+18 HS
Rgeiger24's picture
August 31, 2024 at 11:36pm

Hello all, 

I don't have a great avenue to share, but this should suffice. Yesterday, my father suffered a stroke, to the degree that the ER doctor basically had us convinced he was gone. The imaging was *brutal*. Since undergoing procedure/treatment, he's remarkably better, like miracle level status given his progression. They were hoping he showed signed of life in a few days, over the last 24 hours, he went from barely stirring, to responding to commands, breathing on his own, talking. He also has movement and feeling in his extremities. So, obviously, this is great news, and its my birthday to boot, but I figured I'd really put him to the test when I just visited him. I said hello and this was the first time I had seen him really seem awake, Id communicated with him briefly earlier in the day, but this was more "normal" he's very like out of it, but he didn't seem like a guy that was the walking dead, he basically appeared like a very tired guy after a major surgery. 


I've been trying to deduce his mental capacity all day. He has seemingly understood whatever is said to him, but generally these are low level requests. For the time being, this more than suffices, but I had to switch it up. I told him, "JJ Smith went for almost 100 and 2 TDs" and he lit up LOL, a funny and very true story that I hope brings a smile

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