Recently (within the last month or so) I have been having problems posting comments, forum topics, or blog posts. My issue is that when I click in the text box nothing happens. There is no cursor in the text box to let me know that I can begin to type. Normally, in the bottom right of the text box it should read "body p." Instead, it reads "body div." Unfortunately, coding and computers is not my expertise. I have a MacBook (circa 2008) that is running OS 10.7.5 (Lion) and Safari (which is my default web browser) 5.1.7. It has been recommended to me to use Chrome; however, aside from this problem I have no other problems with the internet so using another web browser for just one issue seems ridiculous. I am able to use Safari to type this as of right now (every so often the 11W site will allow me to click in the text box and type), but there are no guarantees that the problem has been corrected permanently.
If someone could offer some advice I would greatly appreciate it. I really don't like using Google Chrome so if someone could offer a solution other than this, that would be great as well.
Finally, I want to offer a special thank you to the 11W staff, specifically Jason Priestas. When this problem persisted and I emailed him for help he corresponded with me back and forth for a couple of days offering every piece of advice and help he could. I have no doubt that he exhausted every possible solution he could think of. The 11W community is very fortunate to come to a site dedicated to our beloved Buckeyes that is run and managed by people who are passionate about the quality they bring to their readers. They obviously care about maintaining a professional site and dedicate themselves to serving their audience. So once again, thank you to everyone at 11W who on their own time bring Buckeye fans a great site.