Ohio State's campus didn't always used to be the behemoth we all know and love today. In 1925, the campus was still getting its sea legs underneath it.
It also had an actual castle on campus, known then as The Armory:

In the words of our beat writer, Kyle Rowland: this is phenomenal. What was the purpose of this magnificent structure? From Ohio State's library:
Where Wexner Center for the Visual Arts now sits was once a far different structure known as the Armory. This massive brick building served as a multipurpose facility for military science, and men’s and women’s physical education. A fire in June 1958 caused significant enough damage that the Armory was torn down in 1959. The spot was vacant for nearly three decades before the Wexner Center opened in 1989. The building was named in honor of Harry L. Wexner, deceased father of Leslie Wexner, a 1959 OSU graduate and then-chair of the OSU Foundation.
Okay, look: I'm all for the arts, but AT THE SACRIFICE OF A CASTLE IN COLUMBUS!? I'm not sure there's enough art in the world to outweigh that sacrifice.
Fire be damned; the way I see it, Leslie Wexner and Ohio State have a debt to the people, and it's a castle. No, I'm not talking about White Castle either.
Bring back the Armory. We could even demolish the Woody Hayes Athletic Center when it's served its time. (Eat your heart out, Phil Knight.)