Normally, we wouldn't have a dog in tomorrow night's national championship game. If a Big Ten team were playing, we'd probably be pulling for them, but when two great neutral teams square off, we just hope to get a good game out of it.
This year, however, we'll be pulling for the Kansas. It's not because Self spent some time in the Big Ten or the fact that we think Calipari may run a loose ship (although we do). It's because the 11W Steak Knives competition is down to the final two entries and the entry with Kansas winning it all is named "Beat Michagain".
This is also not to say that the Memphis-backing TerrellePryor's Left Pinky entry isn't wonderfully named, because it is. But this is Buckeye country and beating Michigan trumps all else, right? Besides, can you feel the synergy?
In an unrelated note, a small shoutout to Sparty for partying so hard, it took police in riot gear firing tear gas to break them up. With skills like that, you're welcome in Columbus anytime.
UPDATE: As the astute commenters have pointed out below, I'm evidently not that great at the bracket math. The Beat Michigain entry is still in first place, but has Memphis winning it all. So I guess we're all Memphis fans now and please ignore the title of this post. The Angsman1 entry will win it all if the Jayhawks win tomorrow night.