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Hall Across the Country Recap Thread

+26 HS
IamJoeHall's picture
May 24, 2024 at 10:28pm

Hey guys, it’s me, the asinine fat dude walking across the country…again. This week started off with a huge kick in the guts, but I felt like I recovered nicely.

Day 1: 13 miles to a church near Vandalia. My friend who’s the president of his firefighter union has been reaching out to fire departments to secure lodgings and he’d arranged a spot at Englewood FD. Only I didn’t come remotely close to Englewood. I woke up at 5am to pack my cart and head out early, and didn’t end up hitting the road till about 1130…in the rain.  I tarped the cart, put on my scarlet and gray rain jacket and headed out the door, and into the unknown. I felt good for the first few miles but then my legs, lower back and feet all began protesting…loudly. I stopped at hothead burritos for lunch at 7 miles in, thinking the food and rest would get me through the rest of the day. But it was a trudge. At around 11.5/12 miles I messaged my buddy to see if he could get ahold of a station with another department that was closer and he couldn’t. I ended up hobbling to a church and throwing the tent out back hastily. 

Day 2-11 planned miles, actually about 12/12.5 after a detour, to Brookville FD. I woke up early and felt like it’d be a good day. I had about 4.5 miles to a Waffle House where mom was gonna meet up and bring me a few sundries I’d forgotten. That 4.5 miles should’ve taken an hour forty five tops… took me almost 4 hours. Dodging traffic on shoulder less, blind, hilly roads I just never could get a “rhythm” going. Met mom, TCB in the Waffle House turlet, and had some lunch. Then hit the road to Brookville. As I got close I saw a bridge out but I still went up to it hoping half of it would be walkable…..SIKE. Do not pass go, do Not collect 200 dollhairs. So took a large looping country detour and made it to The FD. They were super welcoming, gave me a bed to sleep in, home cooked bourbon chicken and good conversation. Felt like I’d rebounded after two rough days.

Day 3- One stinking mile. I left the FD after being delayed due to storms coming through and felt good when I left. Stopped at Rob’s in Brookville and had breakfast but I got about 100 feet out the door and felt like I was gonna doo-doo myself. My whole body all of a sudden felt “off”. A friend offered to donate a room and I accepted one at a holiday inn. Spent the day resting and drinking thinking I was dehydrated. 

Day 4- THE FIRST GOOD DAY. I went about two miles into the day and met up with a coworker who’d brought me two airless tubes for my tires and an assortment of drinks and snacks. We reminisced and talked about work and the walk and before I left he asked if he could pray for me. I grew up a Pentecostal but I’m not overly religious, however I never turn down a chance for someone to pray for me. I had too many good things occur the first time around right when I needed them to explain them off as chance. I continued on with my day and notched 21.7 miles, and left the Buckeye State, return date…TBD (I’ll actually be dropping in on my cousins show on 6/29 to surprise him) but after THAT…tbd. I spoke with the front desk woman who opened up about her kids’ battles with various mental health and bullying issues. I told her I was happy they’re still here, because it means they still have a chance to beat it. 

Day 5- Ten miles to Centerville, Indiana FD. After the big day prior I left the hotel as late as possible, even after an extra hour to check out. The walk through Richmond wasn’t hateful but it was getting warm. I reached out to Centerville FD on Facebook and they finally got back to me just as I came into town. I grabbed a meal at the surprisingly excellent 5 Arch Brewing. They had some decent beers on tap, I tried their Hypersonic Lager. It was pretty good. For every drink purchased they give you a wooden nickel. On your way out you can drop that nickel off into one of five containers for local nonprofits in their community, I thought it was an excellent touch. Met one of the towns police officers, and got a tour of their FD from one of their cadets. Super nice people. On my way out in the morning I stopped at “Auntie Ems Fresh Pies” and had a slice of Oreo pie and a lavender and white chocolate iced latte. Both were great.

Day 6- 21ish miles to Lewisville Park. I left Centerville and on the way out of town I noticed they were blacktopping or paving 40 and my shoulder was gone. One of the construction workers said “shit just go up this way (where they’d graded the road to black top it) we won’t be back on this part for a while. So I had a 15 foot wide lane to myself from Centerville to Cambridge City. Lumpy’s in Cambridge City donated lunch so I inhaled grilled chicken and some veggies and a gallon of lemonade and water. Heat was getting up there and I grinded put the miles to the city park in Lewisville, where I met long time local politician Tom Saunders (who gave me a copy of his book ‘in case you need help getting to sleep’) and crashed. 

Day 7-23 miles to Greenfield. This was one of the cooler days on the walk, not weather wise, shit at 630pm it was still 91 out. But as I came through Knightstown (where Hoosiers was filmed) I met a man who’d heard about the walk and we talked a little about mental health. Earlier I’d run across Becca (who actually stopped and talked to me the day prior thinking I was homeless up until we talked) and Susie whose sister followed me on walk one also. Leaving Knightstown I had two more people stop and talk, one offered a ride lol, the other, Jeremy, left a huge grab bag of stuff on his porch and a note for me. Then as I got into town I went to eat my dinner at “Tour of Italy” and got to sit down with Senator Michael Crider, who authored a large mental health bill for Hoosiers last year and after a lifetime in law enforcement is now in public office trying to change mental health care. Absolutely awesome dude (and I think he bought my dinner). Crashed out at the “Budget Motel”, and well there weren’t any bugs. Lol

Day 8- 13 miles to the east end of Indianapolis. Another hotel stay, and another long morning. But this time, I extended my morning because one of the Facebook followers told me that the home of a Greenfield boy who committed suicide May 5th at TEN FREAKING YEARS OLD was right near me. I went up to the house, and left one of my walk shorts by “Sammy’s Tree”. If you haven’t heard of it, Sammy Teusch was bullied incessantly over the last few years to the point where he saw no way out and took his own life on May 5th. Despite the family bringing it up to the school 20 times nothing happened. Sammy’s dad Sam was outside when I came by and we had a great conversation, and I vowed to share their page because his father said he’d hand deliver it to Biden himself. I told him he keeps up his work, and I’ll keep up mine and hopefully we can make some positive change. I also offered to connect him with my friend Sara, whose son Jaxon was the person I walked for the first time, in case they needed help. Had to get a hotel AGAIN because Indy FD wouldn’t return calls or messages.

Day 9-15 miles to comfort inn south of Indy. I went to the capital Building itself, knocked out the first capital on the list then headed south. Just south of Lucas Oil stadium (where Mannings statue has a forehead that is most definitely NOT to scale) we got word that Indy FD couldn’t let me camp at their stations south of town. I went into a pretty quick downward spiral. We haven’t raised a ton of money, and I ended up forking money over for a hotel for a third night in a row. It really had me defeated. But somewhere the Goggins voice kicked in and reminded me exactly who the fuck I am. And if I have to not eat (not that it would hurt me) then I won’t eat. But I’ll get up and keep walking because we don’t need anymore Sammy’s. We don’t need more Jaxon’s. I’m tired of people killing themselves. I’ll push the fucking cart until I have to get picked up by an ambulance if that’s what it takes. 

Day 10- 18 miles to Franklin, FD. My buddy Adam was able to get us back on the right track and I’m sending this message from a bed inside franklin, In fire station. The guys have been super welcoming and even called ahead to another station to ensure I had a place tomorrow night. Started the walk fairly late, and about a third of the walk I was on no shoulder, three lane highway 31 here in Indiana. Had a few angry looks. Saw a pretty bad car wreck and called 911, checked on everyone before I continued the walk. 

All in all so far, I’ve run the physical and mental gamut already. My left pinky toe is hamburger meat, I missed the hot spot and it’s turned into a whole hot toe. I’m about to grab bolt cutters and be done with it. After my friend Ben prayed for me whatever “inner offness” that I was feeling has dissipated. 

Our fundraising stinks, because I’m a shit salesman. Some people have mentioned a GOFundMe but we have a dedicated donation page, I just have zero clue how to solicit donations. (shoutout to Timothy who was the first to donate officially to HATC) I’ll keep going forward because at this point, frankly, I don’t know the word retreat. 

I’ll be back Wednesday with another catch up and hopefully be back on track (maybe with pictures). But please check out the podcasts, like them, sub them, rate them high, tell your friends, whatever we can do. If we can blow that up to a level where I could monetize it we may not have to solicit as many donations to keep this thing rocking. I’ve got a friend who’s been doing grant applications and whatnot for us,  it what I really need is Treveyon or Day to help me market this. Lol.

take care yall! Much love!


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