In honor of The Presidential Power Parlay, let's open up the 11W vault and pull from Warren G. Harding's blood money. This year, the power parlay is going to be controlled by you.
You read that correctly, the readers of Eleven Warriors are going to vote to determine how to wager the last of Ohio's most dangerous son's money. During the chaotic closing weeks of the preseason, I was able to sneak into the 11W basement and walk out with several wheel barrel loads of Warren G's cabbage. Shhh, we have $150,000 of Marion's finest's stash to play with.*
Our Week 8 Pick
Ohio State -12 ($80,000)
Note: The Buckeyes received 60.4% of the vote. The smallest margin of the season.
Week 7 Results
SEASON: 15–10
WINNINGS: -$70,000
BANK ROLL: $80,000
Game 2: Marshall at Old Dominion (+4) |
Game 3: UNLV at Utah State (-24.5) |
Game 5: Wyoming at Fresno State (-19.5) |
Another week and another $10,000 down the drain. Our chances of claiming $200,000 ended as the final whistle blew in Ohio State's 30-14 "victory" over Minnesota. It didn't matter if the Buckeyes covered, because 5-point favorite Coastal Carolina lost to UL-Monroe 45-20.
We correctly picked Marshall, Utah State and Fresno State, but you know what that got us? Jack Shit.
Heading into Week 8, the thought was to play another four or five-game parlay. However, those plans quickly changed when Ohio State opened as a 12-point favorite at Purdue. So this week, we are going to let it all ride. Instead of making our standard $10,000 wager, we are going to gamble the entire remaining pot of $80,000.
What did W.G.H. teach us? Our beloved Buckeyes have now lost against the spread for three-straight weeks. Is it time to give up on our team? Hell no, it's time to invoke a different strategy...
Week 8 Power Parlay Single-Game Play
Heading into Week 8, the thought was to go for another four or five-game parlay. However, those thoughts quickly changed as Ohio State opened as a 12-point favorite at Purdue. So, we are going to let it all ride. That's right buckaroos, instead of making our standard $10,000 wager, we are going to gamble the remaining pot of $80,000. This is a straight Marionaire move. Win...we double our money. Lose...well, whatever.
Game 1: Ohio State at Purdue (+12) |
The Potential Winnings
If we are able to correctly pick the winner, the $80,000 will double. Lose, and we owe $88,000. There is nothing more Warren G. Harding than placing a wager and knowing you won't be able to cover the entire amount if you lose.
- To participate, please click on the quiz below (or the link above) to make your picks for the five games.
- The teams with the most votes will be our community picks for this week's parlay.
- Don't worry if your pick is deemed correct/wrong, using a "quiz" for the survey and it needed a designated "correct" answer. All favored teams are the "correct" answer.
- Voting will close Saturday morning.
- Feel free to share and debate your picks of the games in the comment section.
*Legal note. There is not a stash of $150,000. Win or lose, nobody is making, or losing, any money. This is just for fun.